F1 2009 Game App Reviews

33 add

Out of control

I have a bunch of racing games ant this one is really sad in the handling dept. If you cant steer and brake whats the point. I expected more since I have the we version. Frustrating and lame.

Turning sensitivity needs to be greatly adjusted.

Codemasters, please work on the sensitivity of this potentially great game. Racing against other cars for the world champtionship would be great too.

Has become my favorite iPhone racing sim.

- The tracks are spot on. Though the dynamics are off a bit. Its relatively easy to get 30 seconds under the real F1 lap times. Never the less. This sim has made my "Real Racing" app get real dusty. I have three requests besides the dynamics thing, 1. Rumble strips DONT slow you down. Especially to the extent that F1-09 penalizes you. Hitting the rumble strips often times mean youre driving right. Its frustrating to get penalized for this. Penalized hard too. Very unrealistic. Curious, in what is otherwise a very realistic app. 2. Could we have the option to turn off the "ghost" car if we so desire? You know, my game, my choice. 3. Finally, a replay would be awful sweet with this app... I would even pay as an add on for this. Keep it up guys/gals. Sweet app. Cant wait to see the 2010 Vs. -


Graphic isnt good. There arent races - only time lap. Stering isnt good. PLZ DONT EARN MONEY!!!

Nice graphics - developer is on the right track

Steering is twitchy. Cant seem to find a balance to make running laps actually fun. Still a good effort that will get better with code tweaking.

This is a joke...

No racing modes? What a waste of money!

Love this game.

Original game. All the drivers. Need it to be a complete racing game.

Could be better

Steering is extremely twitchy, even with sensitivity turned way down. An option allowing us to turn off the ghost car would be nice, too. Otherwise, a pretty good effort by Codemasters. As for all the people complaining about the lack of a race mode: Learn to read the product description before buying said product.

Needs some work

All right people have mostly said what I want to say. Cant wait for 2010 game pls put actual career and quick race modes and fix steering. Also maybe add ability to create own team for online racing?


the SFX sound in gravel should sound like plowing through gravel at lowest speed. Hockenheim racetrack is missing. Some speed recommendations are rediculous: 290kmh for a 90* curve!? keeping a speed is impossible, tilting the device instead of holding the thumb on the accellerator would do the trick. People who have trouble driving should probably start with the app "go karting", like all drivers did.


When I try to press the start button it wont work because this game is an outrage

Working on iPhone 6?

I just downloaded this and it does not work for iPhone 6? Once you get to the menu none of the bottons work. Can I get my money back?

Do not work

I purchased and not work, IPad and IPhone. Refund muy money.