The tracks are spot on. Though the dynamics are off a bit.
Its relatively easy to get 30 seconds under the real F1 lap times.
Never the less. This sim has made my "Real Racing" app get real dusty.
I have three requests besides the dynamics thing,
1. Rumble strips DONT slow you down. Especially to the extent that F1-09 penalizes you. Hitting the rumble strips often times mean youre driving right. Its frustrating to get penalized for this. Penalized hard too. Very unrealistic. Curious, in what is otherwise a very realistic app.
2. Could we have the option to turn off the "ghost" car if we so desire? You know, my game, my choice.
3. Finally, a replay would be awful sweet with this app... I would even pay as an add on for this.
Keep it up guys/gals. Sweet app. Cant wait to see the 2010 Vs.
JusSumguy about F1 2009 Game